The Nuclear Engineering Center has shown, along several years, expertise in the field of nuclear, energy systems, and correlated areas. Due to the experience obtained during decades in research and technological development at (the) Brazilian Nuclear Program, personnel has (have) been trained and started to actively and participate (participating) in (the) design of the main system that will compose the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB) which will make Brazil self-sufficient in the production of radiopharmaceuticals. The institution has participated in the monitoring and technical support concerning the safety, licensing and modernization of the research reactors IPEN/MB-01 and IEA-R1. Along last two decades, numerous specialized services of engineering for the Brazilian nuclear power plants Angra 1 and Angra 2 have been carried out. The contribution in service, research, training, and teaching in addition to the development of many related technologies applied to nuclear engineering and correlated areas enable the institute to fulfill its mission that is to contribute in improving the quality of life of the Brazilian people.
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