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Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares

Ciência e Tecnologia a serviço da vida

Portal > Institucional > Publicações Institucionais > Progress Report > 2014 - 2016

Materials and Nanotechnology

The focus of the Materials and Nanotechnology Program is technology development related to processing, analysis, testing and characterization of materials in general. These are achieved through execution of R&D projects in engineering and materials science, cooperative projects with private and public sector companies, universities and other research institutes. Besides technology development, this Program also fosters training and human resource development in association with the University of São Paulo and many industrial sectors. This Program is divided into sub-programs in broad areas such as ceramics, composite and metallic materials as well as characterization of physical and chemical properties of materials. The subprograms are further divided into general topics and within each topic, R&D projects. A brief description of progress in each topic during the last three years follows.

Electronic edition available through


Materials and Nanotechnology, PDF version (3.85 MB).
