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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Science and Technology to service life

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In Focus

  • The 60th anniversary of IPEN will be celebrated with cultural and scientific activities

    The Week of science, technology and Innovation of IPEN will mark the 60 years of the institution.

  • Characterization of nanocomposite generates award to IPEN

    Research on characterization of Nanocomposites of polystyrene is awarded at International Congress.

  • IPEN submits the FINEP proposal for strengthening of R$20,000,000 Multi-user Laboratories and gets approval amounting to R$11,000,000

  • MCTIC Minister meets with leaders of research institutes of São Paulo

    Kassab Minister meets with representatives from research institutes in 14/07, the IPEN

  • IPEN hosted workshop on localized corrosion

    Corrosion event brought together experts on the IPEN

  • CCCH will lead the research into cleaner energy at IPEN, says Fabio Coral

    Well-defined planning and dedication of researchers are the way to leverage even more the CCCH searches, one of the most productive centers of the Institute.

  • IPEN will provide 18F-FDG for five hospitals of SP that meet users of SUS

    Cooperation agreement with the Secretariat of health of the State of São Paulo ensures 4600 doses a year to five hospitals, among them, the A.C. Camargo.

  • Production of 18F-fluorcholine and the FLT at IPEN will enable a greater number of diagnoses of early tumors

    A pioneer in the production of molecules labelled with F-18 and Ga-68, for studies in Oncology for PET-CET, IPEN will provide large-scale two markers for prostate tumors and breast.

  • IPEN starts process for choosing the next Superintendent

    Candidates to occupy the position of Superintendent must sign up to the Board of Governors of the Institute until 9/21/2016.

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Total de 9 registros em 1 página.