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IPEN starts process for choosing the next Superintendent

Candidates to occupy the position of Superintendent must sign up to the Board of Governors of the Institute until 9/21/2016.

Warning: This content was machine translated and is scheduled for reviewing.

The Institute of Energy and nuclear Research (IPEN), unity of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) in São Paulo, begins the process of choosing your Superintendent for the next four years. May apply for the post researchers or technologists or naturalized Brazilian, with the title of doctor, with professional competence recognized in the nuclear area or related areas, visibility by the scientific and technological community, proven experience in project management of C & T & I, among other requirements. The final date for submission of the candidature established by the Board of Governors to the Superintendent the IPEN is 9/21/2016.

Applicants must submit letter to the President of the Superior Council of IPEN, requesting the inscription in the selection process for the post, updated resume and up to five text pages describing their vision of the future for the Institute and its management program. The documentation should be delivered in sealed envelope at the registry of the Board of Governors of IPEN (Avenida Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2,242, the administration building, 4th floor, University City, São Paulo/SP-CEP 05508-000).

The selection of candidates will be made by analysis of the curricula and the documentation provided, as well as interview and oral exposure, individual, candidates whose resumes are approved. After the selection, the Board will draw up the three-name list, in order of preference, the forwards for approval by the President of the CNEN and the Rector of the USP and then will be forwarded to the Governor of the State of São Paulo in Brazil.

The Superintendent appointed will occupy the position for a period of four years.

Procedures for the preparation of the three-name list of Superintendent of IPEN
