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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

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Organization of IPEN

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The Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN) is a governmental agency linked to the Ministry of economic development, Science, technology and innovation of the Government of the State of São Paulo and managed technically and administratively by the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), an agency of the Ministry of science, technology and innovation (MCTI), of the Federal Government.

Located on the campus of the University of São Paulo, occupying an area of 500,000 square meters, the IPEN has today an outstanding performance in various sectors of nuclear activity between them, in applications of radiation and radioisotopes in nuclear reactors, materials and fuel cycle, radiation protection and dosimetry, whose results come from providing significant advances in the field of technologies, in the production of materials and in the provision of economic and strategic value for the country , making it possible to extend the benefits of nuclear energy to larger segments of our population.

The guidelines of the institution are defined by Technical-Administrative Council (CTA), created in 1982. The CTA is composed by the Superintendent and responsible for the Boards of P & D, products and services, Special projects, administrative, radiation safety, infrastructure, and education and scientific and technological information. The guidelines are approved by the Board of Governors of Ipen with representatives of FIESP, the USP, the Secretariat of science, technology and economic development of the State of São Paulo and the CNEN.

The multidisciplinarity of the activities of the nuclear industry, has allowed the IPEN, driving a wide and varied programme of research and development in other areas. Among these, in biotechnology, in the area of Nuclear Physics and radiochemistry, in the area of advanced materials, the collection and preparation of special ceramics, biomaterials and growth of single crystals for use in lasers.

A rigorous program of radiological and nuclear safety control is conducted in all nuclear installations and radioactive of IPEN. This program includes radiological lookups, personal and environmental, radiological emergencies, radiotoxicológicas analyses, evaluations radiosanitárias, radiation monitors, calibration, treatment and packaging of low-activity nuclear waste.

The IPEN is still responsible, in association with the USP, by conducting postgraduate programs in masters and PhD level. CAPES, Ministry of education, has evaluated the postgraduate courses of IPEN granting in all your reviews the best concepts by placing it among the best graduate courses in the country.

Representatives of the Board of Governors of IPEN

Among the tasks of the Board of Governors of IPEN are to propose to the President of the CNEN measures for compliance with the guidelines of the institution, follow through the supervision of the Institute, the development of programs and projects. With regard to teaching activities, the Council elects the Committee of postgraduate studies, according to the regulation of postgraduate courses of IPEN-USP

Representatives of the USP:

José Roberto Cardoso-Director of the Polytechnic School of USP, Chairman of the Board
José Roberto Castillo Piqueira-Vice Principal of Escola Politécnica da USP

Representatives of the CNEN:

Navin Wermelinger p. Lima-Director of institutional management-CNEN
Jose Augusto Perrotta-Director of research and development-CNEN

Representative of the Ministry of development:

Marcos Cintra Chandra-Coordinator of science and technology-SDECT

Representative of the Federation of industries of the State of São Paulo:

Pierangelo Rossetti-Deputy Director of the Department of Competitiveness and technology-FIESP

Meet the members of the CTA of IPEN

José Carlos Bas
Tel: 11-3133-9100
Fax: 11-3133-9018

Director of Research, Development and Education
Marcelo Linardi
Tel: 11-3133-9115, 3133-9116

Director of Products and Services
Jair Mengatti
Tel: 11-3133-9560

Director of Safety
Linda V. E. Caldas
Tel: 11-3133-9716
email: 3133-9671

Director of Administration and Infrastructure
Wilson A. P. Calvo
Tel: 11-3133-9119, 3133-9120
Fax: 3133-9106

Director of Planning and Management
Willy Hoppe de Sousa
Tel: 3133-9144

IPEN Superintendence Responsibilities

Organ of direction of IPEN, the Superintendence carries out its functions under the guidance of the CTA. The Superintendent is appointed by the Governor of the State of s. Paulo among the nominees in three-name list proposed by the CTA. The Superintendent directs the IPEN with the support of an Office and the Technical consultants, legal, corporate communications, in addition to the coordination of quality, environment and safety.

The Technical-Administrative Council, composed of the directors and chaired by the Superintendent of IPEN, evaluates and directs the activities and programs of the institution in the areas of research, development, production technology, education and management.

José Carlos Bas
Tel: 11 3133-9100, fax: + 55 11 3133-9018

Sueli Casquel
Tel: 11 3133-9100, fax: + 55 11 3133-9018

Élide M. O. Moreno
Tel: 11 3133-9100, fax: + 55 11 3133-9018

Legal Advice:
Marcos Benacchio
Tel: 3133-11, 9134

Coordination of Institutional Communication
Afonso Rodrigues de Aquino
Tel: 11 3133-8904
