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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

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Environmental Radiometrics Department

The Environmental Radiometrics Department is responsible for the evaluation of the environmental radiological impact of the nuclear and radioactive installations available at IPEN. These installations comprise the nuclear research reactor and several units of the nuclear fuel cycle and radiopharmaceutical activities.

The evaluation is carried out by measuring the radioactivity levels of the liquid and gaseous effluents discharged to the environment on a routine basis (source term), as well as environmental samples in the surrounding area. The main aim of this Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program is:
- to evaluate the doses to the public due to the operation of all facilities available;
- to show compliance with the dose limits adopted; to assess the effectiveness of the discharge control;
- to detect any non-planned release (above the pre-selected operational limits).
Current activities

The Environmental Radiometric Laboratory is also responsible for the development of methodologies for the measurement of radioactivity (alpha, beta and gamma) in a variety of environmental samples, such as soil, sediment, surface and groundwater, air, plants, food etc. The following analyses are performed on a routine basis:
- determination of Ra-226, Ra-228 and Pb-210;
- determination of U and Th isotopes and Po-210 by alpha spectroscopy;
- determination of total U and Th by neutron activation analysis;
- determination of Rn-222 in water and air;
- determination of radionuclides by gamma spectroscopy;
- determination of gross alpha and beta activity;
- determination of tritium in water;
- determination of Sr-90 in foodstuff.

Research activities

The Environmental Radiometrics Department performs research in the fields of Radioecology and Environmental Radioprotection, detailed in the respective links.

Quality assurance and control programs

The Environmental Radiometric Laboratory participates, since 1997, on a routine basis, in the inter-comparison program organized by Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria IRD / Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear CNEN to validate its methods.
