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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Science and Technology to service life


Research Reactor Center

Warning: This content was machine translated and is scheduled for reviewing.

The center of the Nuclear Research Reactor (CRPq) rotates around the operation and use of the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor. This is carried out scientific research of excellence in the areas of Experimental Nuclear Physics and condensed matter physics, as well as neutron activation analysis. In addition, the CRPq also provides neutron irradiation services, production and calibration of radiation sources and neutron activation analysis.

CRPq currently has 59 employees, being 18 doctors and 12 masters, which are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the reactor, by developing scientific research and provide services. Structurally, the Center is divided into three subgerências: operation and maintenance of the reactor (CRO), services, products and infrastructure (CRA) and the research, development and education (CRN).

(Author text and photos: G.S. Zahn)

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